samedi 17 octobre 2009

Surella d'Irlanda - Sister of Ireland (english lyrics)

Surella d'Irlanda : A canzona di Ghjuvan Paulu Poletti

Sister of Ireland (translation Elizabeth Poli)

Full of pain and anger was my verse
When i heard about the ordeal
Brought by the english steel.

We are sisters and share the same fate
My prison is french and the petiless
Colonial rule sentenced me to death

Your nights are full of grief and blood
When the slaughter begins no brotherhood
One day in Bastia the ball took my son

He was fearless, honour his guide
But when he fell, broken was my heart
I will cross the seas to cry my plight

One day we will talk about peace
When minds are ready i swear
The end of this world of injustice

Sister of ireland

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